Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Moor Room 12:10 PM
Plasma Spraying 1

Plasma sprayed NiCr metallic coatings using Ar-shroud system

Magdi Morks / Industrial Research Institute Swinburne, Swinburne Univ. of Technology, Hawthorn , Australia
Christopher Berndt* / Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

The oxidation of the metallic bond coat during air plasma spraying was controlled by design a gas-shroud system attached to the plasma torch nozzle. Two nozzles (normal and high speed nozzle) were used to study the effect of nozzle internal design on the microstructure and phase structure of sprayed coatings. The gas shroud was used during plasma spraying NiCr metallic coatings. X-ray diffraction and SEM morphologies showed that Ar-gas environment supplied by the gas-shroud system reduced the oxidation of NiCr particles during spraying process. Compared with the conventional air plasma spraying, Ar-gas shroud reduced the coatings hardness because the volume fraction of semi-melted particles was increased. High speed nozzle was found to reduce the oxidation and hardness of NiCr coatings due to the increase of unmelted particles within the coatings.

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