Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, May 05, 2010, Hullet Room 8:40 AM
Cold Spraying 5

Shockwave induced spraying: a new solid state spraying process

Julio Villafuerte* / Centerline Windsor Ltd., Canada

Shockwave Induced Spraying (SISP) is the new solid-state spraying process that enables the deposition of dense metals, alloys, cermets and polymers on substrates at lower temperatures than what is typically used in thermal spray processes and with high deposition efficiencies and rates. Thermal spraying, which typically melts the spray material, is prone to undesirable oxidation, porosity, metallurgical transformations and residual stresses. Similar to Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying (or Cold Spray), SISP can produce thick coatings onto a diversity of surfaces at reduced temperature, minimizing thermal effects such as oxidation, tensile residual stresses, and metallurgical transformations. The properties of both the feedstock and the substrate remain unaffected throughout spraying. This novel process can be used for corrosion protection, thermal insulation, thermal dissipation, wear resistance, electrical conductivity, restoration, and other applications without the detrimental effects of elevated process temperatures. In this paper, we review the working principles, the benefits, as well as applications for the new SISP technology.

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