Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Olivia Room 4:20 PM
Paper and Printing

Thermally sprayed fine Fe-based materials for wear protection applications in the printing industry

Thomas Warda* / Surface Engineering Institute RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Kirsten Bobzin / Surface Engineering Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Thomas Schläfer/ Surface Engineering Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Iron based materials are classified as being more health and environmental friendly as well as cost-effective (material and machining costs) compared to typical materials used for wear protection applications (e.g. cermets). The advantage which is seen in using very fine powders (< 15 µm) is their potential to spray relatively thin, dense near net shape coatings with comparable smooth surfaces. This can lead to lower coating as well as machining costs. In this work different Fe-based powders (-15+5 µm) have been used in order to produce wear resistant coatings for applications in the printing industry be means of high velocity oxygen fuel spraying (HVOF) and air plasma spraying (APS). The resulting coatings have been analysed with respect to the microstructure, hardness, chemical and phase composition, shear strength as well as wear properties. NiCrBSi, 316L and galvanic hard chrome have been chosen as reference. The economical aspects have also been considered (calculation of profitability).

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