Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Sophia Room 5:00 PM
Quality and Qualification

Qualifying of new spray powders for the use with cold spraying

Erik Baehr* / CGT Cold Spray Technology GmbH, Ampfing, Germany
Helmut Paul Hoell / CGT Cold Gas Technology GmbH, Germany
Peter Richter/ CGT Cold Gas Technology GmbH, Germany

The alchemy of powders for cold spraying is a critical aspect in producing coatings. Unlike other processes the particle size distribution and phases inside have got a significant influence on the performance of the material respectively to the coating properties. Beside the known methods, Hall Flow- and Scott Volumeter testing, this presentation will give a rudimental method to test deliveries or new powders, right in the spray booth. This method is not scientific and should be understood as an add on to the existing tests, which can be performed at the booth without extensive equipment.

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