Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Tuesday, May 04, 2010, Moor Room 11:00 AM
Industrial Engineering

Effect of MCrAlY coating for corrosion resistance in specific high temperature atmosphere

Akifumi Niwa* / Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd. Research Center, Japan
Kazuo Hamashima / Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd Research Center, Japan

In the glass manufacturing, stainless steels are used in special corrosive atmosphere of non-oxidation at high temperature. The corrosion products that volatilizes from the stainless steel surface cause the defects of the glass in this usage. As this measures, the protection by thermal spraying coating of M-CrAlY is tried in this study. It is clarified that, the Ni-Cr- Al-Y film, having plate-like oxide dispersions, shows a outstanding effect.

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