Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Olivia Room 11:10 AM
Wear Protection 1

Wear behavior and performance of a cost effective iron-based, carbide reinforced, sintered coating

Michael Lugbauer* / Busatis Austria, Austria
Ewald Badisch / Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology, Austria
Alois Kröll/ Busatis Austria, Austria

In every industry wear plates and parts are demanded in heavy duty standards at cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness. For that reasons a new kind of coating technology was developed, and first applied on parts for agricultural machinery for getting results from the field. Simultaneously lab tests were done to compare the wear behaviour and performance of these sintered iron-based coatings with mainly chromium-carbides and borides in it, with other well known wear-resistant coatings like hard chrome, thermal sprayed coatings (Ni-matrix/WC), PTA welded coatings (Ni-matrix/WC, high speed steel) and processed steel like Hardox. Wear tests were performed under 3-body-abrasion as well as combined impact/abrasion conditions, respectively. Dry-sand rubber-wheel procedure according ASTM G65 was used to investigating low stress abrasion, whereas for high stress abrasion investigations a steel wheel was used. A special designed impeller-tumbler apparatus was used for combined impact and abrasion wear tests. Analysis after testing was done quantitatively by gravimetric mass loss, and qualitatively using SEM microscopy (edge stability, wear mechanisms). In a second step the data of the lab tests were compared to the data of the field tests, both results matched. The ambition of this investigation is to secure the wear performance of the sintered iron-based coating at low production costs compared to well known anti-wear solutions applied in wear intensive industries.

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