Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, May 05, 2010, Hullet Room 11:40 AM
Corrosion Protection

Corrosion of titanium coating prepared by modified HVOF process

ChunMing Deng / Guangdong Institute of New Materials, P.R. China
Chang-Guang Deng* / guangzhou research institute of non-ferrous metals, China
Min Liu/ guangzhou research institute of non-ferrous metals, China
Andreas Wank / GTV verschleiss-schutz Gmbh, Germany

low plume temperature and high plume velocity was a trend for HVOF process by adding water or inert gas into chamber, and the modified HVOF process excelled in preparation of metal coating with low oxide content and oxidable metal coating. Titanium coating was prepared via modified HVOF process with addition of water into HVOF chamber. The fundamental properties for Titanium coating were characterized. The immersion corrosion properties in artificial sea water solution for Titanium coated common carbon steel was tested, and the electrochemical characterization was performed so as to demonstrate the corrosion resistance of Titanium coating.

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