Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, May 05, 2010, Olivia Room 10:40 AM
Properties 2

Observation of microstructures in thermal sprayed coatings and single deposited splats using ion beam milling

KeeHyun Kim / University of Birmingham, UK
Makoto Watanabe/ National Institute for Materials Science , Japan
Seiji Kuroda*/ National Institute for Materials Science , Japan
Naomi Kawano/ National Institute for Materials Science , Japan

Metallographic preparation of thermal sprayed coatings is often problematic. Cross sections of ceramic coatings tend to exhibit exaggerated pores due to pull-outs during grinding. Dense metallic coatings, on the other hand, tend to appear denser than the actual because very fine pores and unbonded boundaries between sprayed particles tend to be filled by plastically deformed metal during grinding and polishing. When prepared by using ion beam, one can obtain cross sections essentially free from these artifacts. In this study, we investigated the microstructures of thermal sprayed coatings and single deposited splats using two types of ion beam milling: one is argon ion beam for the cross-sectioning of thermal sprayed coatings in a cross section polisher (CP), the other is gallium focused ion beam (FIB) for the cross-sectioning and TEM sample preparation of single deposited splats. Examples will be presented for APS ceramic coatings and warm sprayed metal and cermet coatings. In addition, a local re-thinning technique for high resolution image of the interface of splat and substrate to derive the atomic structure will be introduced.

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