Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, May 05, 2010, Sophia Room 11:00 AM
Aerospace Industry

Ti-parts for aviation industry produced by cold spraying

Kurt Binder* / Helmut-Schmidt University University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany
Frank Gärtner / Helmut-Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany
Thomas Klassen/ Helmut-Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany

Cold spraying has a high potential for building up thick coatings or structures, like for rapid prototyping or production of free-standing parts. This method is particularly interesting for high strength materials that are difficult to process or shape, e.g. Titanium for special applications in aviation industries. In this contribution, the two major challenges are addressed: (i) optimizing mechanical properties by systematic variation of process parameters, and (ii) evaluating the influence of robot traverse paths and spray angle with respect to complex geometries as requested by aviation industry. While in the past, high quality Titanium coatings were only achieved using Helium as process gas, Nitrogen is used in this study to reduce costs. High deposition efficiencies of more than 95 % can be obtained and the coatings show very low porosities and high tensile strength of 450 MPa. The influence of process conditions on the mechanical properties is discussed on the basis of coating microstructures, particularly the fraction of bonded particle ? particle interfaces.

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