Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Olivia Room 3:40 PM
Paper and Printing

On-site thermal spraying in paper machines

Hasso Christian Jungklaus* / Voith Paper Rolls GmbH + Co. KG, Austria
Alexander Etschmaier/ Voith Paper Rolls, Austria

Thermal spray coatings have gained a reasonable reputation for functional surfaces on paper machines and their rolls. Growing size of this machinery type, higher wear impact, less down time, limited spare parts and logistic aspects do requiere the more and more treatment of components inside the paper machines. Thermal spray coating and the application equipment have been developed to an extended level of using both in-situ. The contribution will show examples of jobs how to work on 60m² rolls still installed in the paper machines. Tailor suited coatings are applied by advanced coating systems, a newly developed grinding technology deliverssurprising results, all aimed at best fit for the customer. Best practice for onsite versus in-shop coatings is dicussed.

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