Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Moor Room 11:50 AM
Plasma Spraying 1

Investigation of atmospheric plasma sprayed tungsten carbide cobalt coatings using statistical design of experiments

Benjamin Krebs* / Institute of Materials Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
Wolfgang Tillmann / Institute of Materials Engineering, Germany
Evelina Vogli/ Institute of Materials Engineering, Germany

Thermally sprayed WC-Co coatings are widely used due to their outstanding wear properties. In the past, many research projects were accomplished with the objective to understand microstructural and tribological characteristics of WC-Co coatings with respect to the adjusted spray parameters. The majority of investigations were conducted by varying one factor of the spray process and analyzing its influence on the measurand. This approach is time consuming and cost intensive as a large quantity of specimens has to be surveyed. Nowadays, new methods are introduced to generate reliable informations about the spray process and coating characteristics, using only a small quantity of specimens. In this regard the statistical Design of Experiments (DoE) is a promising approach, especially since this method is very suitable to study interactions between process parameters.

The present study aspires to clarify the applicability of statistically designed experiments for coatings with a complex and multiphase microstructure. A two-stage design of experiments was employed to investigate the influence of spray parameters on structural properties of atmospheric plasma sprayed WC-12Co coatings. In the first screening stage, the plasma process parameters Ar/H2, plasma gas volume flow, powder feed rate and stand-off distance were identified as the main influencing parameters on coating quality. Afterwards, in the second modeling stage, a central composite design was employed to examine the influence of these parameters on coating characteristics. Significant interdependencies could be obtained and were mathematically described. Finally, the accuracy of the model was evaluated.

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