Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, May 05, 2010, Sophia Room 11:20 AM
Aerospace Industry

Effect of substrate temperature on bonding features and coating properties of cold sprayed Ti6Al4V alloy

Ahmad Rezaeian* / McGill University , Canada
Eric Irissou / National Research Council Canada ? Industrial Materials Institute, Canada
Jean-Gabriel Legoux / National Research Council Canada ? Industrial Materials Institute, Canada
Steve Yue/ McGill University, Canada

The ability to use the cold gas dynamic spraying process to produce coatings on thin parts without noticeable substrate damage and with the same quality as coatings produced on thicker substrates was demonstrated in this work. Ti-6Al-4V powder was cold sprayed on steel and on Ti6Al4V substrates. Nitrogen as propellant gas was used at a pressure of 30 and 40 bars at 700 and 800 °C. In order to investigate the effect of surface temperature, gun traverse speed and substrate thickness were varied. For all conditions, the surface temperature was evaluated using high speed infrared imaging. Our experimental results show that increasing the process gas temperature in order to increase the particle velocity which in turn increases plastic deformation upon impact does not necessity result in improving the overall quality of the Ti-6Al-4V coatings. We show that the bonding strength and features as well as coating properties depend also on substrate surface temperature.

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