Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Sophia Room 2:00 PM
Cold Spraying 2

Properties of titanium structures directly manufactured via cold spray

Stefan Gulizia* / CSIRO Materials Science & Engineering, Australia
Mahnaz Jahedi/ CSIRO, Australia
Darren Fraser/ CSIRO, Australia
C Tang/ CSIRO, Austrlaia

This investigation compares the mechanical properties of Cold sprayed titanium structures produced from different powder grades. The mechanical properties were determined from tensile samples directly manufactured by Cold spray and subsequent thermal treatment with the aim of increasing the ductility of the Cold Spray titanium structure.

The results demonstrate that Cold spray titanium structures in the as-sprayed condition achieves high strengths however the strain is relatively low. The chemical composition of titanium powder used for Cold Spray has a significant role in increasing the mechanical strain. Furthermore, subsequent thermal treatment of titanium structures using vacuum furnace at 700°C and 1000°C was found to increase the ductility up to 300% for all titanium powders tested.

The results suggest direct manufacture of titanium parts via Cold spray route has sufficient mechanical and chemical properties for engineering applications under load ?bearing conditions.

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