Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Tuesday, May 04, 2010, Moor Room 10:40 AM
Industrial Engineering

Wire arc sprayed iron-based anti corrosion coatings for waste incineration plants

Viktor Drescher / Berlin Institute of Technology Sekr. PTZ 6, Germany
Johannes Wilden / Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
Rick Durham/ Dechema e.V., Germany
Michael Schütze/ Dechema e.V., Germany
Mohammad Djahanbakhsh*/ Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany

The high temperature and aggressive atmosphere in waste incineration plants will cause severe wear on metal surfaces, for example at the heat exchangers. Chlorine out of the fume and ashes, will penetrate the oxide layer on top of the components, and will react with the base metal. Under the oxide layer partially volatile chlorides will be formed that can again diffuse through the oxide layer. In presence of oxygen these chlorides will be oxidized and the chlorine is available for further reaction.
Therefore metallic surfaces in waste incineration plants are typically protected by nickel-based anti-corrosion coatings. New research activities proved the excellent corrosion resistance of Fe-Cr-Si-alloys.
In the recent work cored wires of different compositions were applied by wire arc spraying. The corrosion resistance of these iron-based materials is analysed in chlorine containing atmospheres and compared to conventionally used nickel-based materials. Beside alloy development an improvement of the characteristic of the power supply is necessary to increase the density of the sprayed coatings.

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