Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Moor Room 2:00 PM
Power Engineering and SOFC 1

Dense ceramic coatings by thermal spray technology for applications in solid oxide fuel cells

Robert Vaßen* / Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
Matthias Karger/ Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IEF-1, Germany
Detlev Stöver/ Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IEF-1, Germany
Uwe Maier/ ElringKlinger, Germany
Marco Hoffmann/ ElringKlinger, Germany

Thermally sprayed ceramic coatings are used for different applications in the solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs).
In several designs ferritic steel sheets forming chromia scales are used as structural components or as interconnects. The evaporation of chrome containing species has to be avoided as they lead to fast degradation of the cathode. A possible solution is the application of dense ceramic coatings e.g. made of spinels on the steel components to reduce this evaporation.
For the assembly of SOFC stacks also brazing of metal sheets turned out to be a promising technology. Here the isolation of the metallic components can be guaranteed by the use of dense ceramic coatings. High velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) spinel coatings have been developed which fulfil the requirements as high ohmic resistance and gas tightness after brazing.
Finally, also the electrolytes of a SOFC can be applied by thermal spray technologies. Atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) was used to produce dense yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) membranes on metallic porous substrates. For this application special emphasis is laid on a careful process optimization to avoid deformation or even damage of the substrate.

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