Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Tuesday, May 04, 2010, Moor Room 5:00 PM

Evaluation of boron carbide based thermal sprayed coatings for tribological applications

Carlos Roberto Camello Lima* / Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil
Flávio Camargo / OGRAMAC Metallization, Brazil

The superior mechanical properties of Boron Carbide make it very attractive for use as a wear resistant coating in tribological applications. Boron carbide is the hardest non-oxide ceramic produced in large quantities. It offers a high erosion and abrasion resistance, high chemical and outstanding heat resistance. B4C can be formed on a suitable substrate by thermal spray process as an alternative to high wear carbide coatings. The objective of this work was to investigate and to characterize the mechanical properties of a boron carbide based coating applied by HVOF spraying using a non commercial powder for corrosion and abrasion applications. The coatings are evaluated by metallographic procedure, microhardness and roughness measurements, adhesion and wear tests. The results are promising and signal good applications for such coatings.

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