Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Tuesday, May 04, 2010, Hullet Room 12:00 PM
Wear Protection 2

Wear properties of Ni-based composite coatings sprayed by HVAF

Chaoqun Wu* / Guangzhou research institute of non-ferrous metals , China
Ke-song Zhou / Guangzhou research institute of non-ferrous metals, China
Chang-guang Deng/ Guangzhou research institute of non-ferrous metals, China
Chun-ming Deng/ Guangzhou research institute of non-ferrous metals, China

In order to explore wear properties of Ni-based coating on the copper substrate, the coatings with different composition were designed. Ni-based coating, Ni-based/Al2O3 and Ni-based/Al2O3/WC coatings were sprayed by high-velocity air-fuel spraying (HVAF) on the copper substrates. Wear properties of different composite coating were measured under different loads at room temperature. The experimental results indicate that all the Ni-based coatings have high wear resistance. Adding Al2O3 in sprayed powder has little effect on the microstructure of coating and wear properties. The wear resistance is improved by the addition WC-12Co obviously.

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