Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Sophia Room 11:30 AM
Cold Spraying 1

Design and production of powders tailored to cold spraying

Andrew Coleman* / Sandvik Osprey Ltd., UK
Keith Murray/ Sandvik Osprey, UK
Martin Kearns/ Sandvik Osprey, UK

There are number of well established high temperature thermal spray processes in use today e.g. Plasma Spray and HVOF, however there are a number of deficiencies associated with them. Oxidation, phase transformations and crack formation can occur during the process of melting and subsequent rapid solidification of the sprayed material on the substrate, adversely affecting the quality and performance of the coating. In order to overcome these issues Cold Spray coating technology has been developed which is able to produce high density coatings whilst avoiding the issue of oxidation.

In this paper we provide an overview of gas atomising for manufacture of metal powders for Cold Spraying. The gas atomisation process is described and the relationships between the powder characteristics and finished coating quality are discussed: factors which underpin the advantages that Cold Spray offers over conventional thermal spraying processes.

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