Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Sophia Room 10:30 AM
Cold Spraying 1

Cold spray technology ? from academic research to the market place

Thomas Klassen / Helmut Schmidt University, Germany
Heinrich Kreye* / Helmut Schmidt University, Germany

The cold spray process was invented at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science in Novosibirsk and introduced to the larger Thermal Spray community for the first time at the NTSC ?95 in Houston USA. Since then research activities at the Institute of Materials Technology at the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg (HSU) have focused on the understanding and commercialization of this process. The paper presents a review of the fundamental work aimed to provide a better understanding of the process. It describes how fluid dynamical modeling of the particle acceleration and thermo-mechanical modeling of the particle impact paved the way for the considerable improvement of the spray systems and how the collaboration between HSU, Linde AG and CGT as cold spray competence group has made these systems available to the market. The paper will also comment on the patent situation and will present selected applications to demonstrate the versatility of the cold spray technology and its state of the art.

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