Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Tuesday, May 04, 2010, Olivia Room 9:40 AM
Plasma Spraying 2

The effect of plasma gas on structure of plasma sprayed forsterite

Thomas Coyle* / Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, University of Toronto, Canada
Hamed Samadi / Centre for Advanced Coatings Technologies, University of Toronto, Canada
Larry Pershin/ Centre for Advanced Coatings Technologies, University of Toronto, Canada

The structure of forsterite coatings deposited using a DC-arc plasma torch developed at the Centre for Advanced Coatings Technologies (CACT), which uses a CO2/CH4 mixture as the plasma forming gas, was compared with coatings deposited using a conventional torch with an Ar/H2 gas mixture. The in-flight particle characteristics were measured and compared with the structure and porosity of the coatings. The coatings deposited using the CACT torch indicated that more complete melting of the powder occurred during deposition than was the case for the conventional torch. The difference in coating structures is discussed in terms of the higher enthalpy and thermal conductivity of the CO2/CH4 plasma compared with the Ar/H2 plasma.

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