Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Sophia Room 4:40 PM
Quality and Qualification

Development and use of e-learning system of thermal spraying for promoting and educating engineer

Shingo Hirose* / AIST, Japan
Akira Ohmori / AIST, JAPAN
Kazuo Mori/ AIST, JAPAN

The engineer, who engaged in thermal spraying, feels sometime the difficulty of correction of misunderstanding. One caseIn thermal spraying, Thermal spray, It has been well known that the quality of sprayed film is affected strongly by spraying method and conditions. Generally, the optimization of thermal spraying conditions is done by the trial and error in daily job, reflecting the experience and knowledge of expert. However, since the thinking process of expert is subjectively judged, it is very hard to share and transfer to other persons such as non-specialist. In particular, it is big problem when the expert is retired or quit the job, etc.
On the other hand, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has been widely used as one of mathematical approach for evaluating relative strength of feeling and preference quantitatively in decision making process. We think that AHP approach would be useful for analyzing and digitalizing expert?s skills, and transferring to non-skilled people.

We have been fabricated the case database of animations of thermal spray. This database can be browsed on the INTERNET, and is available only to registered members as an e-learning tool. This database provides a simplified description of the technology of thermal spraying, starting with the animation of methods of thermal spraying, pre-treatments, post-treatments, and testing. The particular practical applications in thermal spray such as abradable spraying, thermal spray forming, etc., are also included.
In this presentation, we demonstrated the WEB-based animation case database, and also show the effectiveness using this e-learning tool. We think that this systematical approach would be useful for not only non-skilled persons but also persons engaged in thermal spraying for giving an effective assistance for teaching technologies of thermal spray.

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