Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Sophia Room 4:20 PM
Quality and Qualification

The shear test for thermally sprayed coatings in quality management

Sven Hartmann* / obz innovation gmbh, GERMANY
Friederike Deuerler / Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
Reinhard Winkler/ SLV Duisburg, NL der GSI mbH, Germany

The shear test in accordance with DIN EN 15.340 is a method to test the bond between substrate and coating in thermal spraying. It has been developed in order to avoid the disadvantages of the test mainly in use, the adhesion test (DIN EN 582).
Analyses of results of test series show that the distribution of results cannot be described by the Gaussian distribution with satisfactory accuracy. Furthermore as far as the distribution of results is concerned using the shear test a lower number of specimens is necessary in order to reach results with sufficient accuracy.
In quality management in a thermal spraying job shop often results of coating analyses are necessary within a very limited time frame; very important is a low number of necessary specimens and a fast and reliable test method.
It is described how the shear test can be implemented into the practice of a job shop and the experiences of the obz innovation gmbh, which has used the shear test for more than three years, are explained.

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