Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, May 03, 2010, Sophia Room 11:50 AM
Cold Spraying 1

Further development of process equipment for cold spraying

Peter Heinrich / Gemeinschaft Thermisches Spritzen e.V., Deutschland
Peter Richter / Cold Gas Technology GmbH (CGT), Germany
Thomas Klassen/ Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany
Otto Cheng*/ Innovator Surface Technologies Co., Taiwan

The high standard which cold spraying enjoys today is based on the KINETIKS series developed and built by CGT. Originally deriving from Prof. Papyrin?s comprehensive basic patent for cold spraying EP 484533 B1, now owned by CGT, process and system equipment has been further developed with the support of the Cold Spray Competence Group (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg and Linde). The KINETIKSseries has undergone considerable development, starting with the first model KINETIKS 3000 through to the more recent additions which are now available, i.e. the lighter-weight KINETIKS 2000, the more powerful KINETIKS 4000 and the high-performance system KINETIKS 8000.Such equipment and system development is indispensable for achieving the extensive range of new applications to which cold spraying now has access.
The following paper will elaborate on the current technological status of cold spraying with respect to process equipment and its ongoing development, and will present cold spray trends for the future.

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