Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, September 13, 2023, Brüssel 9:00 AM
Research and Development

Shortage of skilled work force: A different approach for alternative recruiting

Susanne Staude* / Hochschule Ruhr West, Germany

In her presentation, Prof. Staude ís going to take a look at the shortage of skilled workers in the STEM sector. Based on data elicited from the academic qualifications of young people, she will identify the reasons that have led to this shortage and what the consequences are. As the presentation progresses, she will focus on one of the key reasons - the lack of women in STEM. She’ll describe the opportunities and potential benefits of getting more women interested in technical fields and promoting them early and at all career levels. This is all the more important in times when the shortage of specialists continues to increase. The lecture will discuss the need to rethink role assumptions - good skilled workers are not a question of gender. Prof. Staude will then show ways in which companies can reduce the gender gap and how specialists and managers can get involved with the aim of increasing their own well-being, team spirit and corporate success.

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