Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Tuesday, March 21, 2017, Hall Ford 1:40 PM

The diversity of job shop by assistance of the electron beam

Bernd Hermann / HEAD. MARKETING GmbH, Germany
Hannes Kendziora* / PTR Strahltechnik GmbH, Germany

This presentation concerns the diversity of Job Shop by assistance of the electron beam. In the first part the new Job Shop is presented in Langenselbold. The company PTR built a new production place in Langenselbold in the middle of 2015. In this location the Job Shop has been expanded. There are three new machines, and a new profit center EB-Drilling was formed. Furthermore, the presentation showcases our newest machine, the EK 460 with 46 m². This machine is built for Job Shop with special fixtures and high flexibility. Additionally, Langenselbold is home to our Know How center and the option for Retrofitting.

The second part of this presentation features some examples from our Job Shop: Precise copper-welding for the Wendelstein 7-X, metal bellows for high-vacuum systems, cooling hollow shaft, and more.

These examples give a small insight into the potential of the electron beam and demonstrate what we are able to produce in our company. The main point is that we have very different parts and the means to find solutions for very special and diverse tasks every day.

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