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Registration Form
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Data Protection



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Data Protection

By participating, the participant declares his/her consent to the reporting of the event in spoken and written forms and in pictures and accepts the terms of participation specified here as well as to the data protection declaration of the German Welding Society - DVS, hereinafter called the organiser. The complete data protection declaration can be viewed on the DVS homepage (www.dvs-home.de).

Handling of Personal Data

We are pointing out that the data about people and firms which is collected during the registration (call for papers and participant registration) for the purpose of staging the event is processed, used and stored in automated data files. By registering, the participant declares his/her consent to the collection, processing and utilisation of this data by the organiser by means of electronic data processing. At the same time, by registering, he/she declares his/her consent to the listing of his/her personal and firm-related data in the directory of participants in the event which will be handed out to the participants with the conference documents. You can object to the handling of personal data at any time in writing to the organiser (datenschutz@dvs-home.de). When the statutorily stipulated storage obligations expire, the organiser will delete the data correspondingly.

Publication of Images

By registering, the participant declares his/her consent to transferring to the organiser his/her personal right to the images produced in connection with the event. The transfer of these image rights relates exclusively to information to DVS media and external media for the reporting and publicly effective presentations by DVS and DVS Media. A written objection to the publication of images can be made to the organiser at any time (datenschutz@dvs-home.de).