Monday, May 3, 2010

Time Sophia Room Olivia Room Moor Room Hullet Room
09:00 AM Opening
Plenary Lecture

Session Chairman: M. Dorfman
Materials needs for advanced industrial gas turbines of the future
M. Oechsner

10:10 AM Coffee Break
10:30 AM
Cold Spraying 1
Session Chair:
P. Heinrich / C.M. Kay
Abstract-No.:   2226
Cold spray technology ? from academic research to the market place
T. Klassen, H. Kreye*

Wear Protection 1
Session Chair:
C. Moreau / A. Yanski
Abstract-No.:   2394
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of suspension plasma sprayed Al2O3 and Al2O3-YSZ composite coatings
G. Bertrand*

Plasma Spraying 1
Session Chair:
G. Montavon / T. Warda
Abstract-No.:   2180
New conventional plasma gun with high performance: ProPlasma HP
A. Allimant*, D. Billières

Gas Turbines 1
Session Chair:
K. Bobzin / T. Coyle
Abstract-No.:   2267
Composite coatings with drag reduction and self cleaning properties
V. Drescher*, J. Wilden, P. Schaaf

10:50 AM
Abstract-No.:   2223
Cold spraying: exploring new materials
T. Klassen*, F. Gärtner, T. Schmidt, H. Kreye

Abstract-No.:   2105
Analysis of Fe-base materials and evaluation of their suitability for wear protection coatings
A. Pelz*

Abstract-No.:   2235
Triplex gun platform: impacting all operational aspects of thermal spraying
C. Dambra*, D. Hawley

Abstract-No.:   2003
Thermally sprayed oxidation protection coatings for ã-TiAl substrates
M. Brühl, K. Bobzin, T. Schläfer*, T. Warda

11:10 AM
Abstract-No.:   2043
New industrial applications for cold spraying
S. Hartmann*

Abstract-No.:   2033
Wear behavior and performance of a cost effective iron-based, carbide reinforced, sintered coating
M. Lugbauer*, E. Badisch, A. Kröll

Abstract-No.:   2143
Yttria deposition by a novel plasma torch
L. Pershin*, J. Mostaghimi

11:30 AM
Abstract-No.:   2225
Design and production of powders tailored to cold spraying
A. Coleman*, M. Kearns

Abstract-No.:   2194
Structure and tribological characteristics of HVOF coatings sprayed from powder blends of Cr3C2-25NiCr and metallic alloys
P. Vuoristo*, A. Määttä

Abstract-No.:  2183
Suspension plasma spraying (SPS) as a promising process for the manufacture of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs)
A. Guignard*, R. Vaßen, D. Stöver

11:50 AM
Abstract-No.:   2249
Further development of process equipment for cold spraying
P. Heinrich, P. Richter, T. Klassen, O. Cheng*

Abstract-No.:   2171
Characterization of high temperature abrasive wear of cold sprayed FeAl intermetallic compound coating
C. Li*, G. Yang, H. Wang, S. Zhao, C. Bao

Abstract-No.:   2097
Investigation of atmospheric plasma sprayed tungsten carbide cobalt coatings using statistical design of experiments
B. Krebs*, W. Tillmann, E. Vogli

Abstract-No.:   2234
Relationships between coating microstructure and thermal conductivity in thermal barrier coatings ? a modeling approach
P. Nylen, I. Tano*, N. Curry, J. Wigren

12:10 PM
Abstract-No.:   2117
Transmission electron microscopy of cold sprayed titanium
P. King*

Abstract-No.:   2084
Properties of coating by plasma spraying ultrafine Cr3C2-25%NiCr powders
Z. Li*, Y. Yu

Abstract-No.:   1891
Plasma sprayed NiCr metallic coatings using Ar-shroud system
M. Morks, C. Berndt*

Abstract-No.:   1926
Oxidation behavior of MCrAlY bond coats manufactured by plasma, HVOF and cold gas dynamic spraying
P. Richer, M. Yandouzi, L. Beauvais, B. Jodoin*

12:30 PM Opening of Exposition and Poster Session
01:00 PM Lunch Break
02:00 PM
Cold Spraying 2
Session Chair:
T. Klassen / J. Villafuerte
Abstract-No.:   2135
Properties of titanium structures directly manufactured via cold spray
S. Gulizia*, D. Fraser, C. Tang

Session Chair:
S. Kuroda / J. Beczkowiak
Abstract-No.:   2098
Functionalization of high performance polymers by the use of a combined HVOF process for powder and wire
C. Rupprecht*, B. Wielage

Power Engineering and SOFC 1
Session Chair:
C. Coddet / T. Lampke
Abstract-No.:   2148
Dense ceramic coatings by thermal spray technology for applications in solid oxide fuel cells
R. Vaßen*, D. Stöver, U. Maier, M. Hoffmann

Process Diagnostics 1
Session Chair:
A. Bachmann / J. Schein
Abstract-No.:   1920
NIR (Near-Infra-Red) sensor ? an alternative diagnostic tool for the online process control of thermal spray processes
A. Schwenk*, S. Marke, T. Wallendorf

02:20 PM
Abstract-No.:   1923
Wear behavior of titanium coatings on aluminum light alloys obtained by cold gas spraying
S. Dosta*, M. Barbosa, J. Guilemany

Abstract-No.:   2088
HVOF spraying of ultrahigh boron high carbon tool steel coating for wear resistance applications
R. Balasudaram*, G. Mauer, R. Vaßen, A. Röttger, S. Weber, W. Theisen

Abstract-No.:   2397
Plasma sprayed LSCF oxygen electrode for SOFC
A. Ansar*, D. Soysal, Z. Ilhan, N. Wagner

Abstract-No.:   2181
The next step in intelligent gun technology: EvoLink for plasma spraying
A. Kilchenmann, M. Koller*, H. Hoehle

02:40 PM
Abstract-No.:   2024
Influence of helium and nitrogen gases on the properties of cold gas dynamic sprayed pure titanium coatings
W. Wong, S. Yue, E. Irissou, J. Legoux*

Abstract-No.:   1995
Computational investigation of warm spray
S. Gu*, H. Tabbara

Abstract-No.:   2092
Technical challenges of suspension plasma spraying of nanopowders for SOFCs
D. Soysal*, A. Ansar

Abstract-No.:   2217
Measurement of particle parameters at detonation spraying
I. Smurov, D. Pervushin, V. Ulianitsky*, S. Zlobin, B. Laget

03:00 PM
Abstract-No.:   2126
Layer formation and impact phenomena of cold sprayed ceramic titanium dioxide particles on metal surfaces
J. Kliemann*, J. Stötzner, H. Gutzmann, F. Gärtner, T. Klassen

Abstract-No.:   2168
Correlation of wear resistant functions of HVOF and warm sprayed WC-Co coatings with in-flight particle characteristics
K. Sato*, G. Raman, M. Watanabe, S. Kuroda, M. Komatsu

Abstract-No.:   1998
Plasma spraying of lanthanum silicate electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells
S. Dru*, K. Wittmann-Tenèze, E. Meillot, M. Saboungi, R. Benoit

Abstract-No.:   2229
Shadow imaging of liquid precursors under plasma spraying conditions
A. Vardelle*, M. Vardelle, S. Goutier, C. Chazelas

03:20 PM Coffee Break
03:40 PM
Quality and Qualification
Session Chair:
W. Herlaar / T. Kraak
Abstract-No.:   1919
Education, training and certification in thermal spraying
R. Huber*, A. Ohliger-Volmer, F. Zech

Paper and Printing
Session Chair:
V. Guipont / S. Oki
Abstract-No.:   2083
On-site thermal spraying in paper machines
H. Jungklaus*

Biomedical Coatings
Session Chair:
C. Bernd
Abstract-No.:   2118
Evaluation of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2-coatings prepared by different thermal spray techniques
H. Gutzmann*, J. Kliemann, J. Stötzner, L. Berger, B. Leupolt, F. Gärtner, T. Klassen

Session Chair:
C. Rupprecht / J. Ryan
Abstract-No.:   2095
Thermal spraying of zinc and zinc-aluminum alloys for corrosion protection
F. Prenger*

04:00 PM
Abstract-No.:   2052
GTS ? the guarantor of quality in thermal spraying
P. Heinrich*

Abstract-No.:   2146
ColferoloyTM ? an iron-based alternative for wear resistance applications
G. Stratford, H. Burkard

Abstract-No.:   2153
High velocity suspension flame spraying (HVSFS) deposition of bioactive glass coatings on Ti substrates with and without TiO2 bond coating
V. Cannillo, G. Bolelli, R. Gadow*, A. Killinger, L. Lusvarghi, A. Sola, N. Stiegler

Abstract-No.:   2065
The performance of different WC-based cermet coatings in oil and gas applications ? a comparison
H. Meng*, X. Hu, P. Gourdji, A. Neville

04:20 PM
Abstract-No.:   2247
The shear test for thermally sprayed coatings in quality management
S. Hartmann*, F. Deuerler, R. Winkler

Abstract-No.:   2006
Thermally sprayed fine Fe-based materials for wear protection applications in the printing industry
T. Warda*, K. Bobzin, T. Schläfer

Abstract-No.:   1895
A morphological study of hydroxyapatite splats flame sprayed onto commercially pure titanium
S. Saber-Samandari*, C. Berndt, K. Gross, J. Wang

Abstract-No.:   2103
Cavitation erosion characteristics and fracture morphology of thermal spray coating
A. Kanno*, Y. Nanba, K. Tani, S. Uematsu, S. Sugasawa, M. Yoshioka, Y. Ishihara

04:40 PM
Abstract-No.:   2246
Development and use of e-learning system of thermal spraying for promoting and educating engineer
S. Hirose*, A. Ohmori, K. Mori

Abstract-No.:   2220
Cold spraying of Zn and Zn-alloy coatings for print applications
K. Onizawa*, J. Jansen, M. Schulze, F. Gärtner, T. Klassen

Abstract-No.:   2154
Cold spray copper antimicrobial coatings
V. Champagne, D. Helfritch

Abstract-No.:   2036
The advancement and positioning of laser cladding in the surface engineering industry
T. Marchione*, A. Choong, D. Dezert

05:00 PM
Abstract-No.:   2015
Qualifying of new spray powders for the use with cold spraying
E. Baehr*, H. Hoell, P. Richter

Abstract-No.:   2414
Chemical reaction effects in solution precursor plasma spray
E. Jordan*, C. Muoto, M. Gell, M. Aindow

Abstract-No.:   2076
Deposition of TiO2 ceramic particles on cold spray process
M. Yamada*, H. Isago, K. Shima, H. Nakano, M. Fukumoto

Abstract-No.:   2104
Study of corrosion behavior of Al and Al-Zn wire arc sprayed mild steel in offshore applications
H. Salimijazi*, E. Abedi, M. Golozar, J. Mostaghimi, L. Pershin

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