Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time Sophia Room Olivia Room Moor Room Hullet Room
08:40 AM
Process Diagnostics 2
Session Chair:
A. Vardelle / J. Heberlein
Abstract-No.:   1902
Correlations between the oscillation modes of arc voltage and pressure in cathode cavity of dc plasma torches
V. Rat*

Modeling and Simulation 1
Session Chair:
J. Jerzembeck / R. Bolot
Abstract-No.:   2068
The improvements of thermal spray toolkit, an extended software for robotic off-line programing
D. Fang, S. Deng, H. Liao*, C. Coddet

Nanomaterial Coatings 2
Session Chair:
J. Wilden / M. Parco
Abstract-No.:   2191
Suspension plasma spraying of oxide ceramic with twin cathode type plasma spray gun
M. Suzuki*, Y. Tsutai

Cold Spraying 5
Session Chair:
W. Krömmer / F. Gärtner
Abstract-No.:   1904
Shockwave induced spraying: a new solid state spraying process
J. Villafuerte*

09:00 AM
Abstract-No.:   2242
Loading effect in plasma spraying: from in-flight particle state distributions to diagnostic reliability
K. Shinoda, Y. Tan, S. Sampath, G. Dwivedi*

Abstract-No.:   1915
Microstructural modeling and performance simulation of engineered bio composites
C. Berndt*, U. Tietz, K. Schmitz

Abstract-No.:   2238
Improved mechanical properties of coatings and bulk components as a function of grain size
R. Gansert*, S. Schroeder, D. Grant, M. Watson

Abstract-No.:   2192
Effect of the ceramic component on cold sprayed metal ceramic coatings
I. Smurov*, A. Sova, V. Kosarev, A. Papyrin

09:20 AM
Abstract-No.:   2046
Error analysis of image-based measurement methods in thermal spraying processes: a simulation driven approach
L. Rockstroh*, M. Wroblewski, J. Hillebrand, A. Balevic, M. Shaikh, S. Simon, R. Gadow

Abstract-No.:   1996
Effect of ambient pressure on dynamic wetting/heat transfer at interface between molten droplet and substrate surface
M. Fukumoto*, K. Tanaka, K. Yang, T. Usami, M. Yamada, T. Yasui

Abstract-No.:   2004
Fabrication and characterization of Al2O3-SiC-nano-composite powders and HVOF sprayed coatings
T. Suhonen*, U. Kanerva, J. Lagerbom, O. Söderberg, Y. Ge, X. Liu, S. Hannula

Abstract-No.:   1965
Investigation of impact behavior of cold sprayed large annealed copper particles and characterizations of coatings
W. Li, X. Guo, H. Liao*, C. Coddet

09:40 AM
Abstract-No.:   1988
Improving powder injection in plasma spraying by optical diagnostics of the plasma and particle characterization
G. Mauer*, D. Stöver, S. Kirner, J. Marqués-López, S. Zimmermann, G. Forster, J. Schein

Abstract-No.:   2075
Homogenization of coating properties in atmospheric plasma spraying ? current results of a DFG- (German Research Foundation) Funded Research Group
J. Prehm*, F. Bach, K. Möhwald, K. Bobzin, N. Bagcivan, I. Petkoviæ, J. Schein, J. Marqués, S. Zimmermann

Abstract-No.:   2186
Novel in situ transformable coating for elevated temperature applications
D. Branagan*, J. Zhou, J. Walleser, B. Meacham, B. Merkle

Abstract-No.:   2007
Characterization and performance evaluation of a helium recovery system designed for cold spraying
E. Irissou, J. Legoux*, E. Gagnon, S. Desaulniers, J. Bobyn, S. Yue

10:00 AM
Abstract-No.:   2021
Influence of the vortex component on jet characteristics and particle velocity when operating a multi-cathode triplex pro plasma torch
J. Marques, S. Kirner, S. Zimmermann, G. Forster, J. Schein*

Abstract-No.:   2260
Improvement of copper coating adhesion strength by sipping particle impact in cold spray
K. Sakaki*, K. Takada, D. Yutoh, K. Nagata, Y. Shimzu

Abstract-No.:   2330
Effect of stand-off distance on EMAA splats deposited onto glass and mild steel substrates
W. Xie, J. Wang, K. Alamara, C. Berndt*, M. Morks, S. Saber-Samandari

Abstract-No.:   2120
Study on adhesion strength of cold sprayed aluminum deposit
Y. Ichikawa, K. Ogawa*, I. Nonaka

10:20 AM Coffee Break
10:40 AM
Aerospace Industry
Session Chair:
M. Trexler / J. Mostaghimi
Abstract-No.:   2022
Mechanical properties and behavior of BSAS/mullite-based environmental barrier coatings exposed to high temperature in water vapor environment
C. Cojocaru*, C. Moreau, R. Lima

Properties 2
Session Chair:
R. Eijckenboom / B. Krebs
Abstract-No.:   2051
Observation of microstructures in thermal sprayed coatings and single deposited splats using ion beam milling
K. Kim, S. Kuroda*, N. Kawano

Modeling and Simulation 2
Session Chair:
M. Schäfer / A. Schwenk
Abstract-No.:   2200
Effects of fluid/solid couplings on the plasma flow inside a direct current plasma gun
R. Bolot*, A. Allimant, D. Billières, C. Coddet

Corrosion Protection
Session Chair:
V. Drescher / I. Baumann
Abstract-No.:   2208
Thermally sprayed oxide ceramic coatings for demanding wear and corrosion applications
K. Niemi*, J. Laurila, P. Vuoristo, J. Knuuttila, F. Toma, L. Berger

11:00 AM
Abstract-No.:   2069
Ti-parts for aviation industry produced by cold spraying
K. Binder*, F. Gärtner, T. Klassen

Abstract-No.:   2047
Characterization of mechanical properties of titanium cold spray coatings
D. Goldbaum*, R. Chromik, J. Ajaja, A. Rezaeian, W. Wong, S. Yue, E. Irissou, J. Legoux

Abstract-No.:   2133
Effect of using liquid feedstock in a high pressure cold spray nozzle
A. Dolatabadi*, E. Farvardin, O. Stier, V. Luethen

Abstract-No.:   2102
Assessment of flame sprayed glaze layers as diffusion barriers on refractory materials
O. Preziosa, P. Denoirjean, G. Montavon*, T. Chartier, C. Barthélemy, V. Laurent, D. Lombard

11:20 AM
Abstract-No.:   2128
Effect of substrate temperature on bonding features and coating properties of cold sprayed Ti6Al4V alloy
A. Rezaeian*, E. Irissou, J. Legoux , S. Yue

Abstract-No.:   2372
Testing the reliability of thermal spray coatings with micro-nanoindentation: methodology, scope of analysis and case studies
K. Gross*

Abstract-No.:   1967
Metastable austenite type core wire for arc spraying ? modeling of heat transfer in end face and coating structure analysis
Y. Korobov*, M. Filippov, A. Belozertsev, S. Neveszin, V. Shymiakov

Abstract-No.:   2001
Phase composition and microstructural responses of crystalline mullite/YSZ coating under water vapor environments
E. Garcia, J. Mesquita-Guimaraes, P. Miranzo, M. Osendi*, C. Cojocaru, Y. Wang, C. Moreau, R. Lima

11:40 AM
Abstract-No.:   2123
High temperature mechanical behavior of UHTC coatings for thermal protection of re-entry vehicles
M. Tului, G. Pulci*, J. Tirillò, F. Marra, S. Lionetti, T. Valente

Abstract-No.:   2050
Comparative study of splat morphology and the splat-substrate interactions for NiCr sprayed on to stainless steel by both plasma and HVOF spraying
S. Brossard, P. Munroe*

Abstract-No.:   2222
Predicting the thermal conductivity of AlSi/polyester abradable coatings: effects of the numerical method
R. Bolot*, J. Seichepine, J. Qiao, C. Coddet

Abstract-No.:   2049
Corrosion of titanium coating prepared by modified HVOF process
C. Deng, C. Deng*, A. Wank

12:00 PM
Abstract-No.:   2257
Near-net-shape HVOF coating and finishing techniques for highly stressed components in aircraft industry
D. Ackermann*, G. Matthaeus, J. Henry

Abstract-No.:   2093
Arc spraying of WC-FeCrSiC cored wires part 1: bending, compression and tension behavior
J. Nebel*, W. Tillmann

Abstract-No.:   1994
In situ observation of impact phenomena of zirconia molten drops in millimeter scale via aerodynamic levitator
K. Shinoda, H. Murakami, S. Kuroda*, K. Kuribayashi

Abstract-No.:   1940
Corrosion behavior of NiCrBSi alloy coatings manufactured via in situ plasma spray laser remelting process
N. Serres*, F. Hlawka, S. Costil, C. Langlade, F. Machi

12:20 PM
Abstract-No.:   2018
Influence of the surface state on the adherence of the coating: case of an alumina coating plasma sprayed on SIC composites
S. Costil*, C. Verdy, C. Coddet

Abstract-No.:   1993
Graded twin wire arc sprayed coatings
M. Abdulgader, W. Tillmann*, E. Vogli

Abstract-No.:   2416
Simulation of microstructure formation of thermal barrier coatings under air plasma spraying conditions
M. Schäfer*, K. Bobzin, N. Bagcivan, I. Petkovic

Abstract-No.:   2189
Cyclic oxidation behavior of HVOF sprayed Ni-20Cr coating on ASTM-SA213-T 22 boiler steel at 900°C
G. Kaushal*, H. Saheet, S. Prakash

12:40 PM Lunch Break and Poster Session
01:40 PM
Wear Protection 3
Session Chair:
P. Vuoristo / M. Jeandin
Abstract-No.:   2134
Comparison of two structure scales of plasma sprayed alumina/titania coatings on the mechanical and tribological properties
V. Fabio, H. Ageorges*, W. Xin, F. Vargas, P. Fauchais, M. López

Gas Turbines 3
Session Chair:
K. Ogawa / S. Siegmann
Abstract-No.:   2112
Ice dry stripping of TBC systems
C. Giolli*, A. Scrivani, B. Allegrini, G. Rizzi, A. Giorgetti, L. Engl, T. Duda

Properties 3
Session Chair:
D. Branagan
Abstract-No.:   2074
Influence of residual stresses on cracking behavior of composite WC-17Co coating in scratch test
A. Ghabchi*, A. Valarezo, E. Turunen, S. Sampath

Biomedical and Polymer Coatings
Session Chair:
X. Liu
Abstract-No.:   2156
Kinetic metallization of polymeric materials
R. Tapphorn, H. Gabel*

02:00 PM
Abstract-No.:   2145
Tribological analysis of WC cermet coatings with friction test under tensile stress condition
F. Itoigawa, K. Nomakuchi*, K. Sato, J. Kitamura

Abstract-No.:   1990
A durable low K APS TBC
L. Liu*, P. Howard

Abstract-No.:   2147
On the use of nanoindentation and surface scratch testing for HVOF and APS coatings
B. Bonferroni, G. Bolelli, L. Lusvarghi

Abstract-No.:   2048
Feasibility of polycarbonate coating by cold spray process
D. Seo*, K. Ogawa, T. Shoji, K. Ito

02:20 PM
Abstract-No.:   2026
Preparation and characterization of plasma sprayed NiAl-hBN composite coating
L. Du*, W. Zhang, W. Liu, J. Zhang

Abstract-No.:   2230
Thermal cycle resistance of oxidation resistant metallic coatings
S. Takahashi*, Y. Kojima, Y. Harada, A. Kawasaki, F. Ono

Abstract-No.:   1914
Microstructures of cold sprayed coatings investigated by X-ray microtomography
V. Guipont*, G. Rolland, M. Jeandin, D. Jeulin, C. Peyrega, W. Ludwig

Abstract-No.:   2167
3-D visualizaton of the splat substrate interface for PEEK particles sprayed onto aluminum
P. Munroe*, J. Wu

02:40 PM
Abstract-No.:   2130
Experimental investigation of fretting wear on nitrided and thermal spray coated Ti-6-4 parts for liftfan applications
P. Patil*, F. Sadeghi, S. Dixit, R. Dixit, M. Chin

Abstract-No.:   2227
Next generation thermal barrier coatings for the gas turbine industry
N. Curry*, N. Markocsan, X. Li, A. Tricoire, M. Dorfman

Abstract-No.:   2111
Characterization of cohesion of selected HVOF coatings by scratch testing on cross section
J. Nohava*, S. Houdkova, R. Enzl

Abstract-No.:   2091
Microstructures and adhesive bonding strength analysis of plasma sprayed silica modified hydroxyapatite coatings on Ti-6Al-4V substrates
J. Xu*, J. Cizek

03:00 PM
Abstract-No.:   2070
Corrosion behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy coated with zinc-nickel by low pressure cold spray
J. Villafuerte*, R. Maev, J. Phelan, D. Dzhurinskiy, E. Maeva, V. Leshchynsky

Abstract-No.:   2224
A study on thermal cycle life and electrochemical impedance response of plasma sprayed functionally graded thermal barrier coatings
S. Gosipathala*

Abstract-No.:   2188
Influence of pores and cracks morphology on mechanical behavior of thermally sprayed ceramics
R. Musalek*, J. Matejicek, V. Pejchal, E. Mari, A. Valarezo, S. Sampath

Abstract-No.:   2056
Design of experiment analysis of the Sulzer Metco DJ high velocity oxy fuel coating of hydroxyapatite for orthopaedic applications
J. Stokes*, S. Hasan

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